Can Microdosing Help With Pain Relief?

Chronic pain can be crippling, and common solutions for it aren’t exactly bulletproof. Why chip away at your pain problem with prescription meds that introduce 10 other problems of their own?


That’s exactly why a growing number of Canadians have been turning to microdosing mushrooms for pain relief. But scientists and skeptics alike are, well, skeptical. Can magic mushrooms really provide relief from chronic pain?


We’ll draw from clinical trials, revolutionary new theories, and real-world reports in hopes of finding an answer. Keep reading to learn more.


  • Chronic pain 101
  • Do psychedelics work for pain relief?
  • Microdosing for pain, mental health, and more! What patients say

Chronic pain 101

The stats don’t lie (not in this case, anyway) — roughly 20% of the global population deals with chronic pain on a daily basis. [1]


The most common chronic pain conditions include:


  • Low back pain
  • Upper back pain
  • Nerve-related pain
  • “Widespread pain” like fibromyalgia
  • Headaches


It’s estimated that 20% of people with chronic pain also experience common comorbidities like anxiety, depression, and brain fog. [2] Whether you’re in Canada, America, or practically any other developed nation . . . pain is a huge deal.


“Pain is this four-letter word that can mean so many different things,” affirms Vivianne Tawfik, an assistant professor of anesthesiology at the Stanford University School of Medicine. [3]

For something as widespread as it is, chronic pain is surprisingly poorly treated. Current treatment guidelines include NSAIDs, off-label antidepressants, and opioids — all of them can have harsh side effects. Even cutting-edge treatments like neuromodulation are often ineffective at addressing the root causes of pain. No wonder so many people with chronic pain conditions are switching over to alternative treatments!

Do psychedelics work for pain relief?

Speaking of alternative treatments, you’re probably already at least a little familiar with using things like CBD, cannabis, and ketamine for pain relief. But what about using psychedelics — specifically psilocybin mushrooms?


PSilocybin’s effects don’t stop with the psychedelic experience it evokes, after all. The very same neurochemical changes that fueled your last magic mushroom trip may also change the way your body deals with pain.


Slowly but surely, researchers are starting to realize that psychedelics like LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide ) and psilocybin mushrooms might be just the thing for chronic pain management. Studies are now being done to see how psilocybin and other psychedelics might treat chronic pain from:


  • Fibromyalgia
  • Cluster headaches
  • Generalized chronic pain
  • Cancer-related pain
  • Phantom limb pain
  • Neuropathic pain


Actually . . . this type of research is nothing new. Experts have been interested in the link between psychedelics and pain perception for over 50 years! Early studies from the 60s and 70s were already suggesting that psychedelic drugs could alleviate various types of pain.


A quick PubMed search will reveal that psychedelic research is picking back up again after decades of being practically outlawed. Psilocybin and other hallucinogens are finally being given the scientific validation they’ve always deserved. Even skeptics are admitting that psilocybin’s pain-relieving benefits are no mere placebo. 


But how do psychedelics reduce pain? What’s their mechanism of action? The 5-HT2A serotonin receptor, which plays a key role in managing inflammation-related pain. 5-H2TA activation may be the primary cause of the analgesic effects some people experience from psychedelics. As psychedelic research continues to advance we should develop a more complete understanding of how they work. 


Psychedelic self-medication is advancing, too. The stats show that this type of use makes up at least 14% of all psychedelic substance use. If you’re among the people who self-medicate shrooms for pain, sleep, stress, or other ailments, there’s no need to feel alone! [4]


Psychedelics may also improve pain perception in less direct ways. According to Stanford Medicine anesthesiologist Boris Heifets, psilocybin shrooms seem to change the way your mind and body relate to pain: “If these [psychedelic] drugs are going to help, it’s going to be much like the way we think they help for depression— [that is], changing your relationship to your pain.”


“Chronic pain is really just this comorbid snowball,” another expert affirms. “It’s not only the sensory abnormalities, but it’s also the depression, the anxiety, the sedentary lifestyle, the self-doubt, learned helplessness. It’s this whole thing.” [5]

Microdosing for pain, mental health, and more! Patient reports

If psilocybin is so good for pain relief, you might be thinking, then how can I tap into this type of relief in my own life?


So far the evidence points to microdosing as the best strategy — it allows users to access medicinal benefits, without runaway mental side effects.


A 2021 study involving otherwise healthy volunteers with chronic pain provides more detail on how helpful microdosing can be. Just as importantly, this study also highlighted why microdosing works so well. Here are some of its key findings. [6]


People who struggle with chronic pain often find conventional treatments ineffective:


“Contributors had been living with their pain for between two and 25 years and tried between two and 14 pain treatments [6.6 pain treatments on average!]”


Dealing with chronic pain can be incredibly depressing:


“All contributors reported co-morbid depression that was perceived to be closely linked to the intensity of their pain.”

“Contributors reported feelings of hopelessness, frustration, distress, anxiety, defeat, anger, pain feeling all-encompassing, and lack of control.”


Chronic pain and chronic stress go hand in hand:


“[Contributors] reported that specifically stress, both chronic and acute, contributed to pain severity. […Some] contributors reported that they felt chronic stress contributed to the development of their pain.”


Worst of all, chronic pain can even make you feel like you’re losing yourself.


“[My diagnosis] was really challenging. I worked closely with my therapist, and it was like navigating the different stages of grief… When I was diagnosed, to me it felt initially like my whole life was over. I didn’t know what my identity was anymore…I wasn’t sure if I was going to be wheelchair bound, if I was going to lose the use of my legs, what my life was going to look like.”


Now for the good news: microdosing with psilocybin may help. Every single one of this study’s contributors reported that their relationship with chronic pain improved in some way after microdosing. For many participants, this relationship improved in far more ways than one. 


“I still experience pain,” one contributor explained, “but I experience it differently. Since I started microdosing mushrooms, I feel like it almost slows me down. I still have the same life stimuli coming at me, that hasn’t changed, but it’s allowed me to slow down and analyse the stimuli and then really think about how I want to react to it. That’s the same with my pain. When I have a flare-up of my pain, I really do feel like it’s allowed me to have a little more time, or maybe thought space to process. I think, “Okay, you’re hurting. What are the reasons? Is it because you did too much exercise or you sat down too long or is it emotional or stress based? How are we going to deal with this?”


For other contributors, the improvements caused by microdosing were more direct:


“(Acutely,) I don’t think of my pain any longer…I don’t focus into pain because it’s not there.”


“I remember getting up… and just being absolutely painless… I was standing up, perfectly upright, straight. Normally I can’t put any pressure whatsoever on the right side of my body… I use crutches and canes most of the time, but I haven’t for a few days.”


All in all, over 80 percent of this study’s contributors reported restored feelings of health. And an incredible 100 percent of all contributors reported improved mental well-being, positive reframing, and quality of life. These success rates are incredible — especially in the context of otherwise untreatable chronic pain. 


If you have the time, check out the rest of the contributor reports here. In addition to being super insightful to anyone who’s currently dealing with pain, many of them are truly inspiring. 


And if you have the desire to be pain-free, have hope. Not everyone who microdoses shrooms experiences complete pain relief, but some people do. And most people experience at least partial relief. So why not give it a shot? There’s much to be gained, and very little to lose . . . 


Noontropic Mushrooms vs Magic Mushrooms

The concept of using mushrooms as medicine goes way back.

But the concept of using mushrooms as mental medicine, specifically to boost creativity and productivity, is arguably newer. In the last few years a new wave of fungi-fueled nootropics – supplements designed to boost your brain — has risen to prominence within the larger health and wellness industry.

But what are nootropic mushrooms, exactly? And how are they different than magic mushrooms? In this article, we’ll be covering these topics and more. As it turns out, sometimes nootropic mushrooms and shrooms of the magical variety are one and the same

  • What are nootropic mushrooms? Cordyceps, Lion’s Mane mushroom, and more
  • Nootropic mushrooms 101
    • Lion’s mane mushroom
    • Cordyceps
    • Reishi
    • Maitake
    • Chaga
  • Is psilocybin actually a nootropic mushroom?
  • How to microdose psilocybin for maximum nootropic benefits
  • What the people are saying about our mushroom supplements

What are nootropic mushrooms? Cordyceps, Lion’s Mane mushroom, and more

To answer that question, let’s look at a short but sweet definition for the word nootropic. After all, words like ‘adaptogenic,’ nootropic,’ and ‘functional’ are thrown around so often these days that it can be a challenge to pin down their actual meaning. Anyways, here’s the definition:

Nootropic: a substance that enhances one’s cognition and memory and facilitates learning.

Here’s another way to think of it that may or may not be helpful. Nootropics are a type of adaptogen geared toward brain health, and adaptogens belong to the broader class of functional supplements.

Popular nootropics include:

  • Stimulants like Ritalin
  • OTC drugs like piracetam
  • Amino acids like L-theanine
  • Herbs like ginkgo biloba
  • Everyday drinks like coffee and tea

Caffeine is probably the most widely used nootropic. There’s a lot to love about caffeine-rich drinks like coffee — its potential benefits include better muscular endurance, improved productivity, and faster reaction times. [1]

Nootropic mushrooms 101

Mushrooms are an impressively diverse group. They’re literally in a class of their own — apart from plants and animals – when it comes to their reproduction, composition, and post-ingestion effects. And while there are thousands of types of mushrooms out there, five types of mushrooms shine the brightest when it comes to nootropic activity:

Lion’s mane mushroom

  • Lion’s Mane: Enhances cognitive functions and supports nerve growth.
  • Cordyceps: Boosts energy and may improve athletic performance.
  • Reishi: Known for its stress-reducing and immune-boosting properties.
  • Chaga: Packed with antioxidants, supports immune system health.
  • Turkey Tail: Excellent for gut health and immune support.

Research suggests that nootropic mushrooms work by boosting nerve growth factor, or NGF-1, which in turn boosts the repair, recycling, and new growth of nerve cells throughout the brain. Some nootropic mushrooms may also work by increasing oxygen uptake, allowing both body and mind to function faster and more efficiently.

Still, other nootropic shrooms may stabilize your mood, reducing the highs and lows that might otherwise steal your joy and reduce your productivity. [2]

What gives nootropic mushrooms so many health benefits? What makes them so adept at improving your well-being? In short, they contain tons of bioactive. Most adaptogenic/nootropic shrooms possess their own unique blend of beta-glucans, polysaccharides, polyphenols, triterpenes, and other antioxidants. Such ingredient diversity gives shrooms the ability to improve health without many side effects. [3]

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s look at common brain-boosting shrooms one by one.

Lion’s Mane mushroom

Lion’s Mane mushroom is probably the most famous cognitive-enhancing mushroom of all. Known and loved (and named!) for its characteristically shaggy appearance. Lion’s Mane has been prized by Traditional Chinese Medicine for thousands of years. So much so that monks drank yamabushitake, or Lion’s Mane tea, to make their meditation sessions even more fruitful! [4]

Lion’s Mane mushroom contains several known nootropic compounds, including erinacines that boost the growth of new neurons by stimulating nerve growth factor. One 2009 study found that Lion’s Mane reduced cognitive impairment in senior adults. [5]

Meanwhile, mycologist Paul Stamets calls Lion’s Mane the “second smartest mushroom in the world.” (After psilocybin, of course . . . but more on this medicinal mushroom later.)

Cordyceps mushrooms

Cordyceps is another highly popular mushroom supplement.

Used by athletes to boost energy, recovery, muscle oxygenation, and more, cordyceps are as practical as they are functional — even less-than-athletic people can benefit from cordyceps supplementation. Their ability to improve oxygen levels within the bloodstream mean they may improve cognition in virtually everybody. No placebo effect here! [6]

Reishi mushrooms

Reishi is probably one of the best mushrooms out there for brain health. It may alleviate a whole slew of conditions related to neuro-wear-and-tear, including:

  • Emotional fatigue
  • Mental fatigue
  • Brain fog
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Alzheimer’s

Interesting side note: is it any coincidence that the mycelium networks mushrooms rely on for growth look so much like the neurotransmitter networks within the human brain? far-from-equilibrium thermodynamicists like Dr. Bob Melamede think not!

Maitake mushroom

Maitake may be slightly less well-studied than some of the other nootropic shrooms we’ve mentioned here, but don’t let that stop you from giving this one a try! Some research shows that maitake may reduce depressive symptoms, regulate cholesterol, and reduce high blood pressure. It may also benefit your immune system. [7]

Chaga mushroom

Chaga is a mushroom that can be found surprisingly close to home — you might find it growing on birch trees throughout many parts of Canada.

Chaga is incredibly rich in inflammation-fighting antioxidants, scoring above nearly all fruits, veggies, and herbs on the ORAC antioxidant scale. No wonder it’s being researched for its immune-boosting, pain-relieving qualities. And true to its nootropic status, chaga is also good for mental clarity.

Noontropic Mushrooms vs Magic Mushrooms

The primary difference lies in their active compounds. Noontropic mushrooms typically contain bioactive substances that are believed to support brain health and boost cognitive functions without causing psychoactive effects. For instance, Lion’s Mane is known for hericenones and erinacines, compounds that may stimulate the growth of brain cells.

On the other hand, Magic Mushrooms contain psilocybin, which the body converts to psilocin. Psilocin is a psychoactive substance that significantly alters perception, mood, and a range of cognitive processes. These effects are much more immediate and profound compared to the subtle cognitive enhancements attributed to Noontropic mushrooms.

How are they used?

Users of Noontropic mushrooms might notice improvements in mental clarity, reduced brain fog, and enhanced concentration over time. These effects are generally mild and accumulate with regular consumption. In contrast, Magic Mushrooms offer a more intense and immediate experience that can vary widely among individuals, often depending on the environment and mental state at the time of ingestion. The experiences can range from euphoric and enlightening to, in some cases, challenging and introspective.

Noontropic mushrooms are commonly used for their potential long-term benefits to brain health, such as promoting neurogenesis and managing symptoms of neurological deterioration. They are often incorporated into daily health routines to maintain cognitive function and support overall mental wellness.

Noontropic Mushrooms are typically used in a straightforward and everyday manner, easily integrating into wellness routines. They are commonly available as supplements in forms like capsules, powders, or tinctures, and many people add these powders to their smoothies, coffee, or tea to enjoy the cognitive benefits without altering their daily habits.

Some nootropic mushrooms, such as Lion’s Mane, are also edible and can be included in meals, providing both nutritional and cognitive advantages. Consistency is key with Noontropic mushrooms; regular intake is recommended to maintain and enhance cognitive functions and overall brain health gradually.

On the other hand, the use of Magic Mushrooms, particularly in therapeutic settings, involves more controlled and structured practices. In therapeutic contexts, Magic Mushrooms are administered under strict supervision in sessions that are often guided by trained therapists. These sessions are meticulously prepared to provide a supportive environment, helping individuals navigate the intense experiences that these mushrooms can induce, which can last several hours.

Dosage is carefully calculated based on individual needs, ensuring safety and effectiveness, and unlike Noontropic mushrooms, Magic Mushrooms are not typically used daily. Their occasional use is more about the depth of the experience and the profound insights they provide, which can lead to significant long-term psychological benefits from just a few sessions. This distinct usage reflects their powerful role in psychological exploration and healing.

What are the Benefits?

Noontropic Mushrooms really shine when it comes to supporting your brain power over the long haul. They’re like the good friends who are always there, helping you stay sharp and focused. Cordyceps can give your energy levels a boost, which is great for those long days when you need to stay on top of your game. And let’s not forget about Reishi, which besides supporting brain health, also helps in managing stress—like a chill pill in mushroom form!

Then there are Magic Mushrooms, which, although they come with a bit more caution tape due to their psychedelic nature, offer some seriously deep benefits in a therapeutic setting. When used under professional guidance, they can be a gateway to new insights about yourself and the world. They’re especially promising for folks dealing with tough stuff like depression or PTSD, offering breakthroughs that sometimes aren’t achievable with traditional treatments. The experience can be a profound journey, sometimes helping to reset your emotional and mental state in ways that are truly transformative.

Types of Magic Mushrooms

Psilocybe cubensis: The most common type used for its psychoactive properties.

Psilocybe semilanceata (Liberty Cap): Known for its strong potency.

Psilocybe cyanescens: Recognized by its wavy cap, and typically more potent than P. cubensis.

Psilocybe azurescens: One of the strongest in terms of psilocybin content.

Is psilocybin actually a nootropic mushroom?

And now for this article’s most important question of all: is psilocybin included in our list of nature’s best nootropic mushrooms?

New research says yes. A recent study from Imperial College London’s Centre for Psychedelic Research has found that the psilocybin component of magic mushrooms can ‘open up’ depressed people’s minds — a benefit that remains for up to three weeks after one’s last use.

This opening-up effect was associated with reduced rates of depression and improved brain connectivity — something not seen with conventional antidepressant meds. Translation? Psilocybin could help the break break out of rigid, restricted ruts. [7]

Other studies are echoing this one’s findings as we speak. If things continue the way they have been, psilocybin mushrooms could soon become a new golden standard for mental health treatments.

“In previous studies, we had seen a similar effect in the brain when people were scanned whilst on a psychedelic,” explained the paper’s senior author, Professor Robin Carhart-Harris. “But here we’re seeing it weeks after treatment for depression, which suggests a ‘carry over’ of the acute drug action.

Perhaps Imperial Centre professor David Nutt said it best:

“These findings are important because for the first time, we find that psilocybin works differently from conventional antidepressants — making the brain more flexible and fluid, and less entrenched in the negative thinking patterns associated with depression. This supports our initial predictions and confirms psilocybin could be a real alternative approach to depression treatments.

How to microdose psilocybin for maximum nootropic benefits

Ready to experience the nootropic + psychedelic benefits of magic mushrooms for yourself? If so, our Nootropic Magic Mushroom Capsules might be a smart choice (pun possibly intended).

One of our most popular nootropic supplements takes things a step further by combining psilocybin with the Lion’s Mane mushroom we mentioned earlier. Take one capsule every day (or as often as every 2-4 hours) to max out your day’s creativity, productivity, and enjoyment. You might just find yourself treasuring the little things in life again.

The full active ingredients list includes:

  • 100mg Lion’s Mane
  • 150mg green tea extract
  • 50mg ginger root
  • 50mg niacin

And if you’re wondering how to best take high-quality magic mushrooms to max out their nootropic qualities, here’s what we recommend:

  • 1 dose per day for 4 days followed by a 3-day break, or
  • 1 dose per day for 2 days followed by a 2-day break

What the people are saying about our mushroom supplements

But don’t just take it from us. Theory isn’t useful unless it can be translated into practice anyway! Here’s what people say about our nootropic supplements.

Only a few days in, I feel energized and more motivated to work. You don’t really feel the buzz, which is great for day-to-day use. I’m curious to see if it’s going to make a difference on the long term. Let’s see!

Meanwhile, Melissa is new to micro dosing but loves it so far:

First time buying these mushrooms. Bought 3 packs at once. I’m new to microdosing and these mushrooms gave me more of an enlightenment and boost compared to others. I will definitely be buying more in the future.

And Rachel super loves the results she’s been getting:

I’m super loving the microdose! I will be re-ordering this product again soon. It improves my mood and creativity. I look forward to dosing. It reduces my desire to overeat or to drink booze. It creates a very pleasant state of being and without any smoking. Thank you.

How To Make Mushroom Tea That Sparks Joy

Unlock the secrets of joy with our guide on how to make mushroom tea! Elevate your senses and well-being with our guidelines.

Psychedelic wellness through magic mushroom teas is on the rise in popularity. This method offers a way to experience the healing and transformative effects of the natural psychedelic compounds found in certain mushrooms without the intensity of a full-blown trip, as seen in more concentrated forms of the drug. Crafting mushroom tea is a surprisingly straightforward process, involving boiling water, mushrooms, and a few additional ingredients. The resulting tea can be enjoyed in various forms, ranging from a light and fruity drink to a more intense, concentrated brew.

Buying magic mushroom tea online is always an option, so you can enjoy it without having to make your own. However, making mushroom tea yourself allows you to tailor the experience to your personal taste and desired effect. With the right preparation and ingredients, anyone can unlock the joy and potential of mushroom teas.

The Benefits Of Mushroom Tea

Consuming magic mushroom tea comes with a range of benefits. Depending on the dosage and strain, the tea can help reduce stress, improve focus and clarity, and enhance creativity. Additionally, it has been noted to aid individuals in coping with conditions such as anxiety, depression, or PTSD. The effects are generally milder compared to higher-dose forms of mushrooms, making it an ideal option for those new to the psychedelic community.

Beyond its potential therapeutic effects, crafting your own mushroom tea at home can be an enjoyable and creative experience. It provides the opportunity to explore various recipes and experiment with different flavor combinations.

Mood Enhancement

The main benefit of drinking mushroom tea is its ability to improve moods and reduce stress. Studies have shown that psilocybin, the active ingredient in magic mushrooms, can significantly reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety in a single dose. In addition to reducing stress and improving mood, consuming mushroom tea may also increase creativity. This is due to the way psychedelics act on certain parts of the brain associated with creative thinking.

Increased Energy And Focus

Mushroom tea made with forest blend ingredients such as transkei and golden teacher can be particularly beneficial for those seeking an energy and focus boost. These types of mushrooms contain compounds that can help increase alertness and reduce fatigue. Additionally, they may also improve cognitive performance and motivation, making them ideal for students and professionals who need to stay focused and alert throughout the day. Furthermore, consuming such mushroom tea regularly may also offer a number of long-term benefits, such as improved mental clarity and enhanced creativity. 

Immune System Support

Mushrooms also have a number of compounds that can help boost the immune system. For example, they often contain beta-glucans, which are polysaccharides that have been proven to help protect against infection and reduce inflammation. Additionally, certain mushrooms have been found to contain compounds like ergothioneine and glutathione, which can help protect cells from oxidative stress and free radical damage. Thus, consuming mushroom tea regularly may help improve overall immunity and ward off common illnesses.

Antioxidant Properties

For centuries, mushrooms have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for their antioxidant properties. They are known to contain compounds that can help protect cells from free radical damage and oxidative stress, both of which can lead to numerous chronic diseases. Additionally, certain types of mushrooms may even contain more antioxidants than other vegetables. Thus, making mushroom tea or adding it to other dishes can help provide your body with powerful protection against cellular damage and disease.

Improved Cognitive Function

Mushrooms have been studied for their potential to improve cognitive function in humans, with some studies showing that certain types may even help improve memory and other aspects of brain health. For example, some mushrooms, such as penis envy or golden teacher, contain compounds that may help enhance cognitive performance, and research suggests that they can help increase mental clarity and memory. Moreover, some of these compounds have also been shown to help protect the brain from age-related decline and other neurological disorders. By consuming mushroom tea regularly, you may be able to reduce cognitive decline and enhance your overall brain health.

Ingredients And Equipment Required To Make Mushroom Tea

To make magic mushroom tea, you will need the following ingredients and equipment:


The main ingredient is, of course, mushrooms. You can buy dried, ready-made mushroom tea blends (such as transkei or golden teacher) online in Canada. Alternatively,you could try hunting for your own fresh mushrooms and using them to make your own tea blend.

  • Fresh or dried mushrooms of your choice (e.g. golden teacher)
  • Hot water
  • Honey or other sweetener (optional)


You’ll also need the following equipment:

  • Stovetop/cooker
  • A tea kettle or pot for boiling water
  • Strainer and/or cheesecloth
  • Cup(s) for serving your tea


Step-By-Step Guide To Brewing Mushroom Tea

When making mushroom tea, the process is quite simple. Follow these steps to make your own cup of magic mushroom tea: 

Choose Your Mushrooms

When choosing the mushrooms for your tea, there are several types of magic mushrooms available, so choose whatever you feel most comfortable with. Popular mushrooms for teas include psilocybin mushrooms, such as transkei and liberty caps, as well as golden teacher mushrooms. Make sure to purchase mushrooms from a reputable source and only use them as directed. 

Prepare The Mushrooms

Once you have chosen your mushrooms, prepare them for the tea. Tear or cut the mushrooms into smaller pieces. This will help them to steep more effectively while also releasing more of their active compounds and medicinal properties. If you have a dehydrator, you can also dry the mushrooms before making the tea. This will ensure that all the beneficial compounds are adequately released and absorbed into the liquid.

Select Your Tea Base

Once you have chosen your tea base, make sure to use an organic, high-quality product. Green tea, black tea, and herbal blends are all suitable options depending on individual preference. Green tea is known​​ for its antioxidant properties, while black tea can provide a more robust flavor. Herbal blends are a great way to customize the taste of your mushroom tea to your own liking.

Opt For Tea Bags

You can quickly and easily make mushroom teas by using tea bags. This is an ideal option for making a large batch of tea, as it minimizes preparation time without sacrificing the health benefits of the mushrooms. Tea bags can also help to ensure that you get the maximum amount of medicinal properties from the mushrooms, as the small surface area of the tea bag helps to release more of their active compounds. Additionally, the tea bags can be infused with additional medicinal herbs or spices to create a unique and flavorful tea.

Boil Water

When making mushroom tea, it is important to boil the water for the right amount of time. Boiling the water for too long can result in the mushroom tea having a bitter taste while boiling it for not long enough can result in a weak taste. Generally, the water should be boiled for 3-5 minutes for a robust-flavored tea. To ensure that all of the active compounds from the mushrooms are released, the tea should be steeped for at least 10 minutes after boiling. This will help to ensure that the tea is flavorful and retains all of the medicinal properties of the mushrooms.

Infuse With Hot Water

Toss the dried mushrooms into a large mug or tea cup, then pour hot water over them. Allow the tea to steep for at least 10 minutes before removing the mushrooms and enjoying. Or you can use readymade magic mushroom tea bags that are mixed with different mushroom and tea bases, such as mint chocolate rooibos, brain brew, visionary brew, and intimate brew magic mushroom teas.

Add Flavor Enhancers (Optional)

You can also add flavor enhancers like ginger, lemon, or honey to the tea to make it more enjoyable. Ginger can help to bring out the flavors of the mushrooms, while lemon can add a refreshing zing. Honey can provide a sweet flavor that helps to cut through the earthy notes of the mushrooms and can even provide some added health benefits. Mix and match these flavor enhancers to find the perfect combination for your taste.

Strain The Tea

Once the tea is finished brewing, you should strain it to remove any solids using a fine mesh strainer or tea infuser. If using a strainer, be sure to hold it over a cup or bowl to catch any liquid. Once it is strained, you can enjoy your mushroom tea. If you’d like, you can add a few more flavor enhancers to the strained tea. You can also add a sweetener or milk as desired. Enjoy your delicious, freshly brewed mushroom tea!

Tea Pairings

For a truly enjoyable experience, pair your mushroom tea with some other delicious items.

Dark Chocolate Delights

For an extra special treat, pair your freshly brewed mushroom tea with some high-quality dark chocolate. The rich flavors of the tea and the sweetness of the chocolate make a luxurious combination that is sure to leave you satisfied. Dark chocolate is also packed with antioxidants, so you’ll be getting an added health benefit while indulging your taste buds.

Citrus Zest And Fresh Fruits

For an extra zesty experience, add a slice of lemon or orange to your freshly brewed mushroom tea. The citrus notes will give the tea a bright, refreshing kick that will help to balance out the earthy flavor of the mushrooms. Enjoy the delightful combination of citrus and mushrooms as you sip your tea. Pair it with a few slices of fresh fruit for an even more enjoyable experience.

Nutty Indulgences

Toasted nuts are an excellent way to add a satisfying crunch to your mushroom tea. Almonds or walnuts provide a rich, nutty flavor that pairs perfectly with the earthy mushrooms. You can even add a sprinkle of cinnamon to the mix for an extra layer of indulgence. Enjoy the combination of warm spices and crunchy nuts paired with the mushroom tea for an unforgettable flavor experience.

Herbal Infusions

Herbal infusions are a great way to add a subtle flavor to your mushroom tea. Ginger or peppermint are both excellent options for enhancing the flavor of your tea. A blend of mushroom tea and ginger can help to create a soothing atmosphere, while peppermint can help to give the tea a bright, invigorating kick. For an even more complex flavor, try blending both ginger and peppermint with the mushroom tea for a unique and flavorful experience.

Where To Buy Authentic Magic Mushroom Tea

In Canada, here is the perfect place to find authentic, high-quality mushroom tea. We offer a range of different mushroom tea products, from traditional blends to more adventurous concoctions. These teas are carefully crafted with the finest ingredients, making them ideal for adding a unique twist to any beverage. From the classic earthy flavor of golden teacher to the transkei’s distinct taste, we have something for everyone. With unbeatable quality and authenticity, these mushroom teas are sure to provide an unforgettable flavor experience.

Moreover, you can also create your own custom blend by combining different types of mushrooms. But with the right amount of quantity and quality, you can easily brew a perfect cup of mushroom tea in no time.

Experience Pure Bliss With Magic Mushroom Tea!

Get ready to experience a unique kind of energy and clarity with organic magic mushroom tea. Enjoy the unmistakable flavor of natural mushrooms, which are known to promote relaxation and have a calming effect on the body. With its rich aroma and earthy taste, it’s sure to be an unforgettable journey that will make you come back for more! Get yours today!

So why wait? Shop here to start your magical mushroom tea journey. Experience true bliss with our one-of-a-kind products today!

Can You Overdose On Mushrooms? Exploring The Risks

Can you overdose on mushrooms? Unravel the risks, safety measures, and responsible practices in our comprehensive guide.

Did you know that magic mushrooms, also known as psilocybin mushrooms, have been used for centuries in different cultures for their therapeutic properties? They have gained popularity in recent years as a recreational drug, but there is still much to learn about the potential risks associated with their consumption.

So, can you overdose on magic mushrooms? This question is more relevant than ever, especially given the increasing popularity of these fungi. It’s crucial to understand the potential risks and implications of their use. Let’s delve deeper into the topic and explore the boundaries of psychedelic use.

What Happens When You Take Magic Mushrooms?

Magic mushrooms refer to a variety of fungi containing psilocybin, a naturally occurring psychoactive compound. Psilocybin is known to produce changes in perception, mood, and thought processes. Studies have shown that, when taken under proper supervision, magic mushrooms can have therapeutic effects on mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety. However, when taken without proper guidance and in excessive amounts, they can lead to adverse effects on a person’s well-being.

Some of the positive effects of magic mushrooms include enhanced sensory perception, altered thought patterns, increased creativity, and spiritual experiences. On the other hand, negative effects may include nausea, vomiting, panic or paranoia, impaired judgment and coordination, slowed perception of time, and the risk of self-harm.

There are also long and short-term effects of magic mushroom consumption that have been studied, including changes in brain function and psychological well-being. So it’s essential to only take these substances under the supervision of a trained professional.

Common Symptoms Of Psilocybin Mushrooms Overdose

An overdose of magic mushrooms refers to consuming a higher amount than the recommended dose or taking them without proper guidance. This can lead to various physical and psychological risks that require immediate attention. Some common symptoms include:

Nausea Or Vomiting

Nausea and vomiting are common side effects of consuming magic mushrooms, especially when taken on an empty stomach. This is due to the body’s reaction to psilocybin and its effect on digestion. To minimize the risk of nausea or vomiting, it’s recommended to eat a light meal before taking magic mushrooms.

Hallucinations And Paranoia

Hallucinations refer to seeing, hearing, or feeling things that are not really there. They can be positive or negative and can cause intense experiences, leading to paranoia and fear. Overdosing on magic mushrooms can result in heightened hallucinations and increased feelings of anxiety or paranoia. It’s crucial to have a supportive environment and professional guidance when consuming these substances.

Anxiety And Panic Attacks

Magic mushrooms can also increase the risk of anxiety and panic attacks, especially in individuals who are prone to these conditions. The intense psychological effects of psilocybin can trigger overwhelming feelings of fear or paranoia, leading to panic attacks. It’s essential to manage anxiety during a trip and have a supportive environment to prevent such situations.

Impaired Judgment And Coordination

Overdosing on magic mushrooms can also affect cognitive functions, leading to impaired judgment and coordination. This can increase the risk of accidents and injuries while under the influence of these substances. It’s important to avoid activities that require focus and coordination when consuming magic mushrooms and to have a sober sitter or guide present for added safety.

Psychological Impact

In some cases, an overdose of magic mushrooms can have long-term psychological consequences. Research has shown links between heavy psychedelic use and mental health issues, including anxiety and psychosis. It’s crucial to consider the potential psychological impact when assessing the risks associated with mushroom overdose.

Slowed Perception Of Time

One of the effects of magic mushrooms is that they disrupt a person’s sense of time. This can lead to impaired judgment and risky decision-making, especially when consuming too much. To reorient oneself and regain a sense of time during an overdose, it’s recommended to engage in grounding techniques such as deep breathing and mindfulness practices.

Panic Or Paranoia

In extreme cases of mushroom overdose, individuals may experience panic or paranoia. These effects can cause emergency situations and potentially be life-threatening. It’s essential to seek medical help immediately if someone is showing signs of a mushroom overdose.

Risk Of Self-Harm

In the most severe cases, individuals experiencing intense hallucinations, anxiety, or panic may be at risk of self-harm during a mushroom overdose. Having a sober sitter or guide present can intervene in these situations and prevent harm. It’s important to recognize signs of self-harm and seek immediate medical assistance if necessary.

How Many Magic Mushrooms Are Too Much?

The effects of consuming too many magic mushrooms can vary for different individuals and depend on factors such as tolerance and body weight. It’s essential to be aware of one’s own personal tolerance and start with a low dose when consuming these substances. Gradually increasing the dosage can help avoid unintentional overdosage.

The dosage of magic mushrooms that you consume plays a vital role in determining the duration of your psychedelic experience. Typically, the effects of magic mushrooms start to manifest between 10 and 40 minutes post-ingestion. However, the duration and intensity of the trip can vary based on the dosage and individual physiological factors. On average, a magic mushroom trip can last anywhere from 3 to 6 hours, depending on these variables. It’s crucial to approach dosage with caution and mindfulness, understanding that each person’s reaction to the substance can be unique. It’s always better to err on the side of caution when consuming psychedelic substances.

How To Recover From A Mushroom Overdose

The first step towards recovering from a mushroom overdose is seeking medical attention. Medical professionals can provide the necessary treatments and monitor any potential physical effects of the overdose. In addition, here are some ways to help someone who has overdosed on magic mushrooms:

Stabilized Breathing

Stabilizing breathing is crucial after a mushroom overdose. Unstabilized breathing patterns may be characterized by rapid, shallow breaths or an uneven rhythm and should be corrected immediately to prevent any complications. Initiating simple techniques such as slow, deep inhales followed by prolonged exhales may help regulate breathing. It’s advisable to seek immediate medical attention if the individual continues to struggle with their breathing despite attempts to stabilize it.

Manage Anxiety

Managing anxiety is paramount during a mushroom overdose. Increased anxiety levels can amplify the negative effects of the overdose. Encouraging the individual to remain calm is a starting point. Slow, deep breaths can aid in creating a sense of tranquility and control over the situation. Additionally, involving the person in soothing activities can be beneficial. For instance, listening to calming music or engaging in light stretching exercises can serve as effective distractions and help reduce anxiety symptoms. These measures can make a significant difference in managing an overdose.

Consult With Therapists Or Counselors

If an individual is struggling with feelings of fear or paranoia related to their mushroom overdose, it may be helpful to seek professional help from therapists or counselors. Talking about the difficult emotions and experiences associated with an overdose can be a crucial step in the healing process. Therapists and counselors can offer support, guidance, and coping strategies to help individuals recover from a mushroom overdose.

Follow Health Coping Techniques

It’s essential to follow healthy coping techniques when dealing with the aftermath of a mushroom overdose. Engaging in activities such as journaling, talking to friends and family, or participating in creative outlets can help process difficult emotions and promote healing. These activities can also serve as preventative measures for future overdoses by providing healthy ways to cope with stressors.

Measure Dosages Accurately

Accurate measurement of mushroom doses is crucial in preventing unintentional overdosage. The use of digital scales can help measure doses precisely and reduce the risk of consuming too much. It’s essential to invest in reliable digital scales for a safer and more controlled psychedelic experience.

Allow For Tolerance Breaks

Taking breaks between mushroom experiences is vital to managing tolerance levels and preventing unintentional overdosage. The body can reset tolerance levels if given a break of at least a week or more between trips. This can significantly reduce the risk of experiencing an overdose.

Create Supportive Lifestyle Adjustments

The setting in which psychedelic substances are consumed plays a crucial role in the overall experience and the risk of overdosage. It’s important to create a calm, familiar, and supportive environment when taking magic mushrooms. This can include having a sober sitter or guide present for added support and safety.

Follow The 3 Amigos Path To Safer Mushroom Consumption!

In the journey of exploring and understanding the world of magic mushrooms, it’s important to prioritize safety and quality. This is where 3 Amigos come into play. Known for our commitment to providing premium quality, we offer a range of magic mushroom products that cater to both novice and experienced users. Trusting us not only ensures a safe and high-quality product but also supports you with a complete magic mushroom dosage guide, providing valuable information on how to consume magic mushrooms safely. Shop now for a safer and more enjoyable psychedelic experience!

Exploring The Mystique Of Amazonian Mushrooms For Wellness

Get ready to discover the hidden qualities of Amazonian mushroom strains and how they can help give you a boost in your overall wellness & health.

The Amazon rainforest is known for its incredible biodiversity, housing a vast array of plant and animal species. However, one of the most intriguing aspects of this natural wonder is its reputation as a treasure trove of unique and undiscovered mushroom species. These mushrooms have gained attention for their dual significance, offering both nutritional richness and medicinal potential. In this document, we will delve into the diverse benefits of Amazonian mushrooms and explore how they differ from other mushroom varieties.

What Are Amazonian Mushrooms And How Are They Different From Other Mushrooms?

Amazonian mushrooms are a group of fungi that flourish in the Amazon rainforest, standing out due to their unique characteristics and diversity. Adapted to the rainforest environment, they differ significantly from mushrooms found in other habitats, displaying a range of sizes and appearances, from small and delicate to large and robust.

In terms of medicinal properties, Amazonian mushrooms are notable for containing potent non-psychoactive components like beta-glucans, terpenes, proteins, sterols, and polysaccharides. These compounds have been associated with various health benefits, distinguishing Amazonian mushrooms from other mushroom types.

Nutritional Benefits Of Amazonian Mushrooms

Amazonian mushrooms are not just rich in medicinal properties but also offer a wide range of nutritional benefits. They have been found to contain essential vitamins, minerals, and macronutrients that promote overall health and well-being.

Proteins, Carbohydrates, And Fats

In terms of macronutrient composition, Amazonian mushrooms are versatile and can provide a considerable amount of protein (27.19%), dietary fiber (18.57%), lipids (2.26%), and non-fiber carbohydrates (53.21%) depending on the conditions they are grown in. Specifically, when grown on Agaric substrate (AS), these mushrooms yield higher amounts of protein and dietary fiber. Conversely, when cultivated on Eucalyptus grandis substrate (EGS), they yield higher amounts of lipids and non-fiber carbohydrates, along with a significant metabolizable energy value (304.02 kcal/100 g). This variable nutritional profile makes Amazonian mushrooms a valuable addition to any diet, offering a substantial contribution to daily nutritional requirements.

Exploring Bioactive Components

Amazonian mushrooms also contain various bioactive compounds that have potential health benefits. These include polysaccharides and terpenes, which have been linked to immune-boosting properties, as well as phenols that act as antioxidants. These compounds give Amazonian mushrooms their unique healing potential and set them apart from other mushroom types.

Higher Phenolic Content

Phenolic compounds are known to have potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, and Amazonian mushrooms have been found to contain higher levels of these substances compared to other mushroom types. This makes them a valuable source of natural antioxidants, which play a crucial role in protecting cells from damage and promoting overall health.

Antioxidant Capacity

In addition to phenolic compounds, Amazonian mushrooms also contain various antioxidants that contribute to their overall antioxidant capacity. These antioxidants have been linked to improved cellular protection and may play a role in preventing chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease.

Higher Proteolytic Activity

Proteolytic activity refers to the process of breaking down proteins into smaller molecules. Higher proteolytic activity has been linked to immune health and reduced inflammation. Amazonian mushrooms have been found to have higher proteolytic activity compared to other mushroom varieties, making them a valuable addition to any diet for promoting immune function.

How Amazonian Mushrooms Integrate Into Modern Wellness

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in incorporating natural substances like Amazonian mushrooms into modern wellness practices. This is due to their potential therapeutic effects and their ability to enhance overall well-being.

Psychedelic Properties Of Amazonian Mushrooms

One of the most intriguing aspects of Amazonian mushrooms is their psychedelic properties. These are caused by compounds like psilocybin and psilocin, which are present in certain species of Amazonian mushrooms. Indigenous cultures in the Amazon region have used these substances for spiritual and shamanic practices and have linked them to altered states of consciousness. Check out the guide on psilocybin therapy to learn more about the historical and modern uses of these compounds.

Current Research On Psilocybin And Mental Health

Recent studies have explored the potential use of psilocybin, a prominent compound in Amazonian mushrooms, for treating mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD. Preliminary findings show promising results, with psilocybin being linked to reduced symptoms and improved overall well-being. Research also suggests that these compounds may affect brain function and neural pathways, contributing to their therapeutic effects. Brain health is another area of interest when it comes to Amazonian mushrooms. Studies have shown that these mushrooms may have a positive impact on brain function, promoting neurogenesis and reducing inflammation.

Ethical Considerations And Cultural Sensitivity

As interest in Amazonian mushrooms grows, it is essential to address the ethical considerations surrounding their use. It is crucial to respect indigenous knowledge and practices when exploring the potential of these mushrooms. This includes avoiding cultural appropriation and engaging with indigenous communities in a mutually respectful and beneficial manner.

How Can Individuals Consume Amazonian Mushrooms?

Amazonian mushrooms can be consumed in various forms, including teas, edibles, capsules, and their dried form. It is essential to use them safely, legally, and responsibly.

Shroom Edibles And Teas

Shroom edibles and magic mushroom teas are popular ways to consume Amazonian mushrooms. These offer a unique experience and can be made with different strains of the mushroom, providing varying effects. It is essential to store these products safely and follow dosage guidelines for a positive and safe experience. Try psilocybin gummies or chocolates for a tasty and convenient way to consume Amazonian strain.

Microdosing Capsules

Microdosing, or taking small amounts of substances for therapeutic purposes, has gained popularity in recent years. For individuals interested in microdosing with Amazonian mushrooms, capsules offer a convenient and precise method of consumption. They also eliminate the bitter taste often associated with consuming these mushrooms.

Dried Form

The traditional way of consuming Amazonian mushrooms is in their dried form. This involves drying the mushrooms and then grinding them into a powder for consumption. It is essential to use dried mushrooms safely and ethically, following dosage guidelines and storing them properly.

Potential Risks And Challenges

While Amazonian mushrooms offer a range of potential benefits, it is important to be aware of the potential risks and challenges associated with their use.

Health Risks And Safety Concerns

Individual susceptibility plays a significant role in how Amazonian mushrooms affect an individual. Some individuals may experience adverse reactions such as hallucinations, anxiety, or gastrointestinal discomfort. It is essential to understand the potential risks and take measures to mitigate them, such as starting with small doses and consuming in a safe and comfortable environment.

Legal Implications And Regulations

The legal status of Amazonian mushrooms varies worldwide, with some countries having strict laws against their possession and use. It is crucial to understand the legal implications in your area before consuming or purchasing these mushrooms. Keep an eye on any changes in legislation, as there has been a growing movement towards the decriminalization of magic mushrooms.

Responsible Use And Community Guidelines

Responsible use of Amazonian mushrooms is crucial for both personal and community well-being. It is essential to follow dosage guidelines, consume in a safe environment, and have proper support systems in place. Communities can also establish guidelines to promote responsible use, including education, harm reduction strategies, and peer support initiatives. By following these guidelines, individuals can minimize potential risks and have a positive experience with Amazonian mushrooms.

Try Amazonian Magic Mushrooms From 3 Amigos Today! 

If you want to give Amazonian magic mushrooms a try and experience their benefits, visit 3 Amigos! These unique mushrooms offer a range of physical and mental effects, including increased creativity, improved mood, and enhanced insight into personal issues. Experience the benefits of these special mushrooms for yourself and enjoy them responsibly. Join the growing community of individuals exploring the nutritional and medicinal bounty of Amazonian mushrooms today! Visit our website today, and order dried Amazonian mushroom strains!

Are Mushrooms Legal In Canada? What You Need To Know


Wondering if mushrooms are legal in Canada? We break down the laws, regulations, and more to provide you with all the answers you need!


Mushrooms have become a topic of interest and debate in recent years due to their reported therapeutic and recreational benefits. However, their legal status in Canada is not as straightforward as many may assume. A surge in interest has been noted in the potential therapeutic applications of magic mushrooms, notably psilocybin, one of their active ingredients. In fact, a number of clinical trials exploring the use of psilocybin have yielded promising results. Despite these developments, no psilocybin-containing therapeutic products have received approval in Canada or any other country as of yet. The pursuit of research into this unapproved drug is most effectively and appropriately carried out through clinical trials, which are designed with stringent controls to ensure the health and safety of participating patients. This underscores the complexity of the legal landscape regarding mushrooms in Canada, which necessitates a comprehensive understanding of its components and implications.

Overview Of Canadian Drug Laws

Canadian drug laws are the foundation upon which all regulations surrounding mushrooms are built. These laws aim to protect public health and safety by controlling the production, distribution, and consumption of controlled substances within Canada. The Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (CDSA) is the primary legislation governing drug control in Canada, with additional regulations and guidelines issued by Health Canada.

The CDSA divides controlled substances into different schedules based on their potential for harm and therapeutic benefits. Psilocybin-containing mushrooms fall under Schedule III, making it illegal to possess or traffic them unless a medical or scientific professional has approved their use. Non-psilocybin mushrooms are not listed in the CDSA and are therefore not subject to the same restrictions.

Legal Status Of Mushrooms In Canada

With the division of mushrooms into psilocybin-containing and non-psilocybin categories, it’s essential to understand how they are classified under Canadian law.

Classification Of Mushrooms

Psilocybin-containing mushrooms are classified as a controlled substance due to their psychoactive properties and potential for harm. On the other hand, non-psilocybin mushrooms do not fall under any controlled substance category and are therefore not subject to the same regulations.

The CDSA states that psilocybin-containing mushrooms must meet specific criteria to be considered a controlled substance, including the amount of psilocybin present and the intended use. These criteria also apply to any product containing psilocybin, such as capsules or edibles.

Changes In Legal Status Over Time

The legal status of mushrooms in Canada has undergone significant changes. Until 1974, magic mushrooms were legal to possess and use as they were not classified as a controlled substance. However, their status changed in 1974 when they were classified as controlled substances under the CDSA, making them illegal.


In 2005, Health Canada issued an exemption allowing certain individuals to access psilocybin for medical purposes. This exemption, initially granted for those with terminal illnesses or severe treatment-resistant conditions, was renewed in 2017. In 2020, a similar exemption was granted to four terminally ill individuals seeking end-of-life care. These exemptions allow for psilocybin-assisted therapy under specific conditions.

Types Of Psilocybin Mushrooms In Canada

There are over 180 species of mushrooms with psilocybin, with the most common being Psilocybe cubensis. These mushrooms vary in color, shape, and size, but all contain the psychoactive compound psilocybin. In Canada, they can be found growing in areas such as forests or meadows. Dried magic mushrooms can also be purchased in various forms, including whole or powdered. This makes it essential to understand how to identify and differentiate between different mushroom species.

Apart from dried mushrooms, there are a wide variety of edible magic mushrooms that can be found in Canada online. These include gummies, dark chocolate bars, and fruit strips to choose from, making it easier for consumers. These mushrooms are known for their unique flavors and textures and can be consumed raw.

Magic mushrooms have a long history of medicinal use in indigenous cultures. They contain compounds that have been found to have potential therapeutic benefits, such as reducing symptoms of depression, anxiety, and PTSD. Ongoing research and clinical trials are exploring the potential of psilocybin-assisted therapy for mental health treatment, with promising results.

Health Canada Regulations

Health Canada plays a crucial role in regulating mushrooms within Canada to ensure public safety. This includes issuing licenses for the production, sale, and use of controlled substances under specific conditions.

Access To Psilocybin For Therapeutic Use

Health Canada recognizes the burgeoning interest in psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy, including the potential use of psilocybin. It acknowledges the ongoing research into the therapeutic benefits of psilocybin for mental health disorders, including depression and anxiety. However, the organization also stresses the potential risks associated with this form of therapy. These risks may include, but are not limited to, psychological distress, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, and potential interactions with other medications or substances.

Health Canada emphasizes that the use of psilocybin outside of approved clinical trials or treatments may carry potential legal and health risks. The organization continues to closely monitor the international scientific and medical developments related to psilocybin and its potential therapeutic use.

Restrictions And Requirements

Health Canada has strict requirements and restrictions in place for the therapeutic use of psilocybin. These regulations aim to ensure the safe and responsible use of psilocybin for medical purposes:

  • Individuals must have a diagnosis of a mental health disorder that has not responded to conventional treatments.
  • The use of psilocybin must be supervised by a healthcare professional with appropriate training and experience.
  • Dosage limits are specified, with microdoses initially prescribed and gradually increased according to the individual’s response.
  • The treatment must take place in a designated healthcare facility or clinic, with appropriate safety measures and support systems in place.

Medical And Therapeutic Applications

The potential medical and therapeutic applications of mushrooms are still being explored, with research and clinical trials ongoing. Preliminary results have shown promising results for treating mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD.

In January 2022, a significant development occurred in the regulatory landscape concerning psilocybin in Canada. Health Canada amended the regulations pertaining to the Special Access Program (SAP). The SAP is a unique program designed to provide access to non-marketed drugs for practitioners treating patients with serious or life-threatening conditions.

Under the new regulations, medical professionals can request access to psilocybin for patients who have not responded to conventional treatments, or for whom these treatments are unsuitable or unavailable in Canada. This amendment represents a notable shift towards recognizing the potential therapeutic value of psilocybin in healthcare.

Legal Implications Of Cultivating Magic Mushrooms

The legality of cultivating magic mushrooms in Canada depends on the intended use and scale of production. The following outlines the current legal framework for personal and commercial cultivation.

Personal Cultivation

Personal cultivation of magic mushrooms is currently illegal in Canada. This includes growing, harvesting, or possessing any species containing psilocybin. Individuals caught cultivating mushrooms for personal use may face criminal charges.

Commercial Cultivation

Commercial cultivation of magic mushrooms in Canada requires a license from Health Canada. This process involves extensive application procedures and compliance with specific regulations and standards. Failure to obtain the necessary licenses may result in legal consequences.

Risks And Consequences In Canada

While there are potential benefits associated with the use of magic mushrooms, there are also inherent risks that individuals should be aware of before consuming or handling these fungi.

Criminal Charges

Possessing, cultivating, or selling magic mushrooms is currently illegal in Canada. Individuals caught engaging in these activities may face criminal charges, which can result in fines, imprisonment, and a permanent criminal record.

Penalties And Fines

Possession of magic mushrooms for trafficking or exporting in Canada carries severe penalties. If charged as an indictable offence, the penalty can result in a prison sentence of up to 10 years. Alternatively, for a summary conviction, the sentencing may be as lengthy as 18 months. Given these harsh penalties, it is crucial to adhere to local laws and regulations concerning magic mushrooms. 

Dangers Of Misidentification

Identifying the correct species of mushrooms is crucial to avoid potential health hazards or legal consequences. Consuming misidentified mushrooms can result in severe illness or even death. It’s essential to consult trained mycologists or experts when handling and consuming wild mushrooms, especially if there is any uncertainty about their species.

Potential For Abuse And Addiction

While there is limited research on the addictive potential of magic mushrooms, some studies suggest that they may have a lower potential for dependence than other psychedelic substances. However, individuals who use magic mushrooms regularly may develop tolerance and require higher doses to achieve the desired effects. Continued or excessive consumption can also result in psychological dependence, leading to problematic drug use behaviors. It’s crucial to consume magic mushrooms responsibly and seek professional help if dependence or addiction becomes a concern.

Purchase Your Magic Mushrooms Today From 3 Amigos! 

Consuming magic mushrooms can carry significant risks, both legally and for your health. It’s crucial to understand the potential consequences and take appropriate safety measures before considering using these fungi. If you do choose to consume magic mushrooms, make sure to consult experts, follow safe identification practices, and adhere to dosage limits to minimize any potential risks. Remember that the legal status of mushrooms in Canada is constantly evolving, so it’s essential to stay informed and comply with all regulations and laws surrounding their use.

So, if you are still interested in trying magic mushrooms, try 3 Amigos mushrooms! We offer a variety of high-quality and safe mushrooms in Canada and its different cities with the best psychedelic therapy spots. Embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing with magic mushrooms in Canada!